Advanced Frontend Links of the Week

26th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

The weekend is approaching. I hope you have some plans already - if not then one or more of the following #posts and #articles in the #frontend #webdev space might be a good filler!

1. Creating a Planning Poker Demo app 🃏🕹ī¸ by Matt Lewandowski
I love Kollabe, really great app that does its job.

2. How to write a code formatter by Yorick Peterse
Oh, that reminds me that there are still languages that lack a proper formatter.

3. Learn JavaScript Fetch API: Retrieving Data from Servers by Rohald van Merode
Now that we learned how to use it, let's learn why we should not use it.

4. Biome v1.7 by Victorien Elvinger
Finally an easy path out of eslint (and prettier, but I like prettier - so meh).

5. How to Write Accessible Technical Documentation – Best Practices with Examples by Ezinne Anne Emilia
If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter.

6. Vue Router Enhancements by Samuel Nwabude
Sweet! The navigation guards are really handy.

7. A primer on the cascade and specificity by Andy Bell
The cascade is one of the things in CSS that are most crucial but least understood.

8. JS Naked Day by everyone Are you ready to "un-JS" your page? I am not.

9. Building an interactive 3D event badge with React Three Fiber by Paul Henschel
Could this be something that we can use for the upcoming Micro Frontends Conference? Yes.

10. An intro to TSConfig for JavaScript Developers by Jo Franchetti
The title is misleading - it should be: Converting a JS Dev to a TS Dev.

🙏 Many thanks to all authors for their hard work - much appreciated!

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