Advanced Frontend Links of the Week

24th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

Weekend - time to regenerate and do what you love. Well, I hope you do what you love everyday, so at least in that area weekend shouldn't be so different. In that spririt - I want to provide you with some outstanding #posts and #articles in the #frontend #webdev space. Wish you a great time!

1. Meet clickjacking's slicker cousin, 'gesture jacking,' aka 'cross window forgery' by Thomas Claburn
Met the guy yesterday, did not like it much.

2. HTML Streaming Over the Wire 🥳: A Deep Div by Aral Roca
Superb one - and the topic is more than hot.

3. WebAssembly Adoption: Is Slow and Steady Winning the Race? by Richard Gall
Define winning in this context. Will it replace all that we know today? No. Will it be irreplaceable? Yes.

4. You probably don't need GraphQL by Max Stoiber
I think I used GraphQL in like 2 or 3 projects top - that says something.

5. A Web Developers Guide to Hybrid Search by Daniel Phiri and Ajit Mistry
I liked this one - search is such an important topic.

6. React 19 - Part 1: The Backstory; My journey writing a framework from scratch! by Rafael Camargo
Fantastic read - I recommend everyone to check out the project on GitHub.

7. Are you ready to build a Superapp? by Jacklin Altman
Sorry, I am mostly building megaapps.

8. How to use and Tigris to deploy a Next.js app by Andrew Baisden
There have been quite some steps involved in this one.

9. Object structure in JavaScript engines by Roman Maksimov
Really great read - goes into pretty much all the important details that I'm aware of.

10. JavaScript Secrets: How to Implement Retry Logic Like a Pro by Anurag
Gupta This was much more complete and well done than I thought - fantastic resource!

🙏 Many thanks to all authors for their hard work - much appreciated!

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