How and why are web components different to components, e.g., coming from React? Besides the obvious there are a few interesting historic development that you can read about in
Liskov’s Gun: The parallel evolution of React and Web Components by Baldur Bjarnason
Are you using Firefox? Even if not - you might interested why the
Mozilla rebrand takes from early internet aesthetics, to move its cause to reclaim the web by Ellis Tree
All the talk about PHP and JavaScript is bringing back my desire for Ruby... So
What's New in Ruby on Rails 8 by Damilola Olantuji
Remember when HTMX was used to build a whole SPA? Well, why this use-case is certainly a bit exotic, there are other things you could mention for
A modest critique of Htmx by Chris Done
Well, touching the topic of HTML - how many really know HTML? At least the basics? If not, then there is an interesting tutorial approach branded
HTML is for people by Blake Watson
How often did you build a dashboard in a React app? If you are looking for a nice project to help you solve this task - as well as others - then have a look at these
17 Must-know React Projects for Developers 👩💻 🔥 by Anmol Baranwal
There are plenty of stories worth to be told, but one of the most interesting recent developments is certainly
The story of web framework Hono, from the creator of Hono by Yusuke Wada
I know everyone loves performance improvements and one of my favorite authors has just explained how
Sites Now Become Interactive 50% Faster by Jacob Groß
Ever felt the pain of making a drag to select functionality? Now you can come back to have a fellow share his pain about
Drag to Select by Joshua Wootonn
Do you like or dislike the tendency to rewrite some fundamental tools in native languages? Nolan tends to be in the latter category, which is
Why I’m skeptical of rewriting JavaScript tools in “faster” languages by Nolan Lawson
🙏 Shout-out to all authors for their hard work - thanks for sharing your knowledge!