Frontend Links of the Week 58

58th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

Ever faced the problem of dead space through gaps using flexbox or grid? Then read about Sanding UI by Jim Nielsen

As you are all aware Ahmad has become my favorite author for CSS related articles. Recently he gave his website some polish. Read about the Redesign Case Study by Ahmad Shadeed

Now that we conquered client islands it's time for server islands to become standard. One way is discussed in Partial Prerendering for Everyone with Cloudflare Workers by Sunil Pai

It was quite a week for web components. We started with Web Components Are Not the Future by Ryan Carniato

But as usual on this topic there had to be different opinions. Entering Web Components Are Not the Future — They’re the Present by Cory LaViska

In the end both have their points and perspectives, but like the old XKCD comic it was the job of a third person to summarize in Web components are okay by Nolan Lawson

Years ago we tried to introduce scoping in CSS - but without much success. Now the working group is back with power... Let's try Understanding the Concept of Scoping in CSS by Bilkeesu Babangida

A major downside of classic cron jobs is the failure cascade. This can be countered by some worker frameworks - for instance offering something dubbed durable functions. What are Durable Functions? A visual JavaScript primer by Lydia Hallie

Having tests is both - a pain and necessity. Especially in the frontend things tend to become difficult - relying on the browser and user behavior for many features. Let's recap Testing Frontend — Lessons from over a million lines of TypeScript at Palantir by Quentin Spencer-Harper

Not only the web component department delivered... If you missed the excitement delivered by the WordPress community then read The messy WordPress drama, explained by Emma Roth

🙏 Shout-out to all authors for their hard work - thanks for sharing your knowledge!

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