Frontend Links of the Week 48

48th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

Announcing Official Puppeteer Support for Firefox by James Graham, Henrik Skupin, Julian Descottes, Alexandra Borovova
That was about time - quite happy that's here. Still, I'll keep on using Playwright.

A tiny utility to build JSON schema types by Luke Edwards
Super useful - well done! Finally I only need to define it once.

Effect Best Practices by Ethan Niser
Using the useful Effect utility lib? This post should be on your radar.

Introducing XState Store by Dominik Dorfmeister
Dominik keeps on delivering great content! It's half the size of Zustand yet seems very comparable feature-wise.

Gradient Generator by Kennedy Design
Last time we had an awesome easing generator - this time it's about gradients.

Integrating Blazor with Existing .NET Web Apps by David Ramel
Very nice interview for the session scheduled at Live!360 conference in Orlando. Would be even better if micro frontends are mentioned ;).

It's Time To Talk About "CSS5" by Brecht De Ruyte
I'm listening. BTW the last full spec of CSS was 2.1 - since then everything is divided into modules, which have their own level. CSS3 was the first to just be an aggregate of the module levels.

Google Angular Lead Sees Convergence in JavaScript Frameworks by Loraine Lawson
I think this is a bit misleading. Just because React now has a compiler does not mean it's converging to Angular...

The Great npm Garbage Patch by Phylum Research Team
Being in touch with Tea protocol myself I am not surprised. It's, unfortunately, essentially crypto garbage. Happy that someone is aware of the problem and reporting the issues for improvement.

The Sneaky Costs of Scaling Serverless by Zach Leatherman
Spoiler: Serverless can lead to (unnecessary) massive bills if not used correctly.

🙏 Shout-out to all authors for their hard work - thanks for sharing your knowledge!

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