Frontend Links of the Week 45

45th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

Build a team-based task manager with Next.js, Neon, and Clerk by Brian Morrison II
This is literally the Todo MVC of RBAC. Actually a great one!

CSS Grid Areas by Ahmad Shadeed
I have to admit that at this point Ahmad is my favorite author for these CSS articles. Superb job!

A guide to reading and writing Node.js streams by Matteo Collina
Who if not Matteo can write such a guide? Covers pretty much all the essentials you need to know!

Embracing Functional CSS: Have we moved on? by Oliver Creswell
Alright, so now the Tailwind-category of CSS frameworks is called functional CSS (I am not yet sure why its called like that, but I'm fine with it).

The Pitfalls of In-App Browsers by Paul Esch-Laurent
Having worked on mobile apps that went through the exact same scenarios as described I can only describe my pain of not being able to send back the article 7 years when I needed it. Well done!

Node.js adds support for TypeScript by Marco Ippolito
It's too early to pop the champagne (experimental flags tend to never vanish...) but this is a massive step forward. Called it!

Providing Type Definitions for CSS with @property by Stephanie Eckles
The at-property is now becoming a hot thing. We've seen some (was it 3 or 4) articles mentioned in this series beforehand.

getComputedStyle: The good, the bad and the ugly parts by Halil Durak
It's actually a good article for an underrated topic. As I'm working with this directly I can only tell you that you are better off if you never need it (getComputedStyle and similar functions).

Going flat with ESLint ( with Josh Goldberg Really interesting discussion - a good pod cast episode that makes long train rides actually way more interesting.

A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web by Anthony Chavez
Third-party cookies will be a thing of the past. The privacy sandbox is Google's approach of providing privacy without losing ad revenue. A delicate dance on a knife's edge.

🙏 Shout-out to all authors for their hard work - thanks for sharing your knowledge!

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