Frontend Links of the Week 50

50th part of the series - advanced links in the area of web frontend development.

Optimizing React Applications for Maximum Performance by Suraj Vishwakarma
Honestly, there is a bit more to it, but following these points will give you a great starting point.

ASPNetCore Angular SPA application with SEO friendly (SSR) Title and Meta tags updates by Hakob Grigoryan
Using AngleSharp to optimize an Angular app for SEO? Count me in!

Building Micro-frontends using Blazor and Piral Framework⚡ by Devon Wijesinghe
Very well written and with a great demo project that you can just use as a starting point.

Bye Bye, Try-Catch Blocks: Meet JavaScript's Safe Assignment Operator Proposal😉 by Dharmendra Kumar
This is not yet finalized - but sometimes having the discussion earlier is better than later.

Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript by Steven Levithan
This is finalized. While regular expressions in JS will never reach the level of Perl, they are certainly quite decent.

From React to Effect by Michael Arnaldi
I was curious at the title, but then it hit me... should have rather been called "Effect for React developers".

Introducing Nuxt Scripts by Harlan Wilton
Sounds interesting, but I wonder if this could (or should) be extended beyond Nuxt.

spatial compute by Sunil Pai
Have we already conquered temporal compute?

JS Dates Are About to Be Fixed by Iago Lastra
When did I hear that the last time?!

Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring by Steve Sewell
We've all been there... Most important part: Understand the code, and make sure previously working code can be verified to still be working.

🙏 Shout-out to all authors for their hard work - thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Created . Last updated .


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