Programming with C#
An introduction to object-oriented programming using C# and the Microsoft Visual Studio.
Current events
- The official C# lecture website (and contents) have been moved to GitHub (
- The exercises will be guided in CIP Pool VKL. We will guide you to this room on the first day (in case you don't know where it is).
- The lecture will take place in room PHY 5.0.20 (as usual). Lectures will be held each day from 9 to 12.
- The next C# lecture will start on the 10th of March 2014. It will be the last one that I am giving at the University of Regensburg.
- The evaluation of the final projects has been finished. The projects are impressive considering the short time and fast pace of the course.
- Treffpunkt des Kurses im SS 2013 ist der Raum PHY 5.0.20 um 9:15. Nachmittags finden die Übungen im CIP Pool VKL statt.
- Der nächste Kurs wird wieder zum Sommersemester (2013 dann) statt finden. Im WS gebe ich statt dessen den WebApplication Kurs.
- Treffpunkt des Kurses im SS 2012 ist der Raum PHY 5.0.20 um 9:15.
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