New SitePoint Article

After a little timeout I published yet another article on SitePoint.

In the recent months I was busy with quite a lot of things, most importantly finishing the QPACE 2 project and writing my thesis. But that does not mean that I cannot spent a couple of hours in my spare time to finish one or the other interesting article.

Some weeks ago I started writing another article for SitePoint, which has been published yesterday. The article deals with the topic of using SSL/TLS from a Node.js application. The article introduces the most important concepts related to SSL/TLS, which gives us the secure layer layer below the HTTP protocol. Furthermore the most important (standard) packages for using HTTPS within Node.js are sketched.

An important section is the integration with a web application, e.g., using Express. The wiring is actually quite easy and straight forward, but knowing which certificates and keys need to be provided to which method certainly makes sense to write down.

Along with the SitePoint article I also finished writing my HTML5 Mastery Series, which will hopefully be ready for being published soon. This series consists of 8 parts which go into various topics related to HTML. From HTML form internals to encoding, MutationObserver, Shadow DOM, and DocumentFragment. This series spawn directly from implementing all these concepts in AngleSharp.

With my dissertation coming to an end I will hopefully find more time in the near future to complete another set of articles (using .NET / C#) that I have planned for quite some time.

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