Lecture about Software Design Patterns given at the University of Regensburg.
Current events
Registration for the final projects is possible via FlexNow. If the registration is not working properly, please contact me, e.g. via email.
The specification for the final projects is completed and available online.
Info The lecture that takes place on the 18th of December will start at 13 st (13:00) and not as usual at 13 ct (13:15). This is a one-time shift of the lecture. Additionally the appointments of the exercises shifted slightly. Beginning in 2014 the two tracks will be placed in the same week.
Warning The lecture that takes place on the 11th of December will take place in room PHY 7.1.21. This is necessary since the seminar room will be needed for a conference.
Important the lecture room has been changed from PHY 7.1.21 to PHY 4.1.12 (this is the seminar room of the theoretical particle physics group, it should also be much easier to find and probably even closer to you than the previous one)
There will be 2 tracks for the exercises. Track A will take place on Wednesday 15-17 in PHY 1.0.03 (that's the Windows CIP pool facing H36), track B will take place on Thursday 10-12 (probably same location as Track A).
The first lecture will take place in the winter term 2013/14. The room will be PHY 7.1.21. Every week there will be one lecture on Wednesday, 13-15.